Minggu, 20 November 2016

Yuk Ikutan Lomba Bikin Foto & Video Film The Chocolate Chance

Mau menang uang jutaan rupiah, kamu bisa ikut lomba Foto Film Coklat.

Untuk menyambut tayangnya Film Drama romatis Film The chocolate chance pada tanggal 2 Februari 2017. Darihati films mengadakan lomba foto dan video yang siapapun bisa ikutan.

Caranya gampang.

1. Temukan poster Film The chocolate Chance, Banner, X banner, Stande baik di bioskop, tempat umum atau dimanapun yang ada poster Film The chocolate Chance.

2. Berfoto bersama poster tersebut atau buat video maksimal 60 detik dengan tema ngajak nonton film the chocolate chance di bioskop tanggal 2 Februari 2017.

3. Foto atau video upload ke media sosial kamu  ( Instagram, Twitter atau facebook ) dengan caption Fotmat :
Film #ThechocolateChance tayang 2 Feb 2017 di bioskop. #lombaFotoTCC
      Jangan lupa follow Media official kami :

        1. Facebook : @filmcokelat ( The chocolate chance )
        2. Instagram : @filmcokelat
        3. TwiYer : @filmcokelat


1. Juara pertama  : 2.500.000
2. Juara Kedua     : 1.000.000
3. Juara Ketiga     : 500.000

10  orang pemenang favorite dapat uang tunai : 100.000

Periode Lomba 1 Desember sd 10 Februari 2017 .
Pengumuman pemenang tanggal 20 Februari 2017 di media social.

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013


Jakarta, 12 mei 2013 :
Ada yang berbeda dari Car Free Day HI hari ini. Hari ini terlihat mendung, dan hujan geremis membasahi jalanan jakarta. Rasanya memang aneh dibulan Mei turun hujan, tapi karena musim sudah tidak bisa di tebak, maka terjadilah hujan ringan di pagi minggu yang cerah ini

Meskipun gerimis, para pecinta sepeda dan penikmat car free day tetap semangat memenuhi jalan Thamrin dan sudirman. Yang paling mengejutkan adalah tiba tiba ada segerombolan orang membawa banner Camera Samsung NX 300 dengan foto Usain bolt ( pelari olimpiade ) jumlahnya sekitar ratusan dan membentuk parade memenuhi jalan Thamrin, tepatnya didepan sarinah thamrin. Ternyata ini adalah sebuah parade mengenai launching produk camera terbaru dari Samsung, yaitu series NX 300 yang jadi slogan Shoot Fast, Share faster.

Tentu saja kegiatan itu sangat menyita perhatian, bagaimana tidak jalan area car free day dipenuhi dengan foto Usain Bolt, yaitu Brand ambassador dari NX300. Dan Banner cut bolt tersebut memanjang dengan dibawakan sekitar ratusan orang. Parade itu berlangsung dari depan sarinah Thamrin menuju Bundaran Hi, sampai dengan di depan Tower Bank UOB .ini sebuah strategi promosi yang sangat keren dan cukup mengejutkan, ya setidaknya untuk mereka yang ada di car free day jakarta hari itu.

Ternyata ada lagi kejutan yang unik dari acara tersebut, yaitu beberapa model yang menggunakan kostume unik, yaitu dari bahan daur ulang, seperti sampah plastik, kertas bahkan sampai kulit salak. Pakaian mereka bak rancangan karnaval mewah, yang mempunyai citra seni yang tinggi.  Para model masing masing membawakan beberapa camera NX300. Sekali lagi, ini sangat keren dan sebuah startegy promosi yang tidak biasa untuk sebuah produk kamera.

Selesai semua parade dari model dan Banner Usain bolt, mereka mengadakan fashion show di pinggir jalan.ratusan banner usain bolt membentuk seperti dinding catwalk yang jadi latar para model melenggang indah.  Dan spontan semua orang tertarik untuk melihat performance yang sangat langka ini. Buat yang gak sempat lihat bisa check di link youtube http://youtu.be/4ojiFIiI8EA 

Dari segi periklanan dan komunikasi iklan, kegiatan ini sangat pintar dan bisa dibilang sukses. karena tentunya tidak banyak produk yang berani mempromosikan produk dengan gaya seperti ini, yaitu melibatkan event secara klosal dan peserta yang ratusan orang.

Setelah mengikuti acara ini ternyata mereka mempunyai event lanjutan, dimana 100 orang yang bawa cut bolt akan disebar lagi di jalan gatot subroto - HR rasuna said selama 3 hari berturut turut, karena ada lomba #findbolt di twitter dengan hadiah utama camera NX300. Wow.. sekali lagi.. kita bisa bilang wow.. karena 100 orang bawa banner Usain bolt akan ada di jalan. Tentunya hal ini akan sangat menyita perhatian, karena ada 100 orang tersebar di jalan membawa papan sebesar badannya.Kebayangkan gimana jalan jakarta dipenuhi dengan banner Usain bolt.

untuk stategy iklan  ini saya berikan : WOW..FOR NX300 .


Sabtu, 18 April 2009

An advertising that will make you surprise?

Every morning while I am on my way to office, I always see a billboard. This is still not advertising the real product. It is look like the publisher want to make everybody asking and want to know more.

On the billboard there is a sentence: Be waiting a man, at 1 May 2009. What is the meaning of the sentences? It is usually happened in advertising. The advertising like that, it is a way to launch a new product to market. Audience will ask first, than while the launching time public will discussing this advertising. The goal of this advertising is: Customer will faster to remember, and the advertising will be top of mind in public.

But this strategy has a weakness. This advertising needs a high budget. Because there is an other story following the first billboard. The budget will be higher than other advertising. In other side the advertiser have success to attracted public. Want you to try this advertising?

Ok, let’s waiting, what is the real gain of the advertiser? I gave you a promise, that I will take a capture it. What is the real product that they are offering to us? Actually I am asking in my mind also. I have seen a TVC in all channels. All with a same tagline, “Looking at a man”. How are about you? Are you asking for also?

Senin, 06 April 2009

TV advertisement or TVC

Television is an audio visual mode of mass communication. There are many reason to post advertisemen in television.

The Benefit:
1. Efficient
2. Have a strong impact
3. Have a strong influence effect

The weakness:
1. High Cost Adv
2. Not selective audience
3. Have a technical difficulties

If you want to post an advertisement of TV, you must calculate first about the benefit and the weakness. I think, every adv-designer should be a creative person. So he can make a unique advertisement…and a catch-eye advertisement. Rememmber, the TVC have only a little duration. Its only some second live on screen. But TVC have high cost money. While the TVC did not get sympatric from the audience…. Its mean...this is waste money. The advertiser did not get the gain from audience.

Kamis, 02 April 2009

The Party Advertisement is Bawaslu business, its not Depkominfo business.

Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika (Depkominfo = Communication and Information Department) can not make a punishment about all the negative politic advertisement, because only Bawaslu (Election Watching Committee) have the authority.

The chairman of Depkominfo Ismail Cawidu said as per the rule “The author about politic campaign advertisement is BAWASLU.”

He said, if an advertisement has a bad content to the other party without any reason, the advertisement was called as a black campaign.

He said that he can not make adjustment about controversial advertisement from a politic party. Depkominfo can not make adjustment which is a black or a white advertisement, the authority has held in Bewail”

Ismail Said: The election law has a rule about campaign party advertisement. So KPU and KPI have the rule about it. The law writes about uncomforted content of advertisement, like as an advertisement has a content of pornography or a crime sentences.

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009


Before Indonesian election of 2009, there are many politic-advertising even do from a party or from an individual legislative. This person has really made a branding himself. Their advertisement is disturbing a scene nary of the town. Because their put on their advertising in every where they can. People have been terror. This advertisement is not an advertisement himself, but they are became a joke for every body. I hope they will consider that their advertisements are just a promotion strategy only. Every body knows that advertisement is a media of entertainment, education, also a beauty harmonic system. Good Luck.


TVC is a commercial television.Make it simple than we call it advertisement of TV. Adv-TV is a media for the produsen to sent message to customer. We will wasting time. If we speak about advertisement startegy and the concept. Than you will unhappy too. Take it more simple. There are two basic consept about TVC. First is Branding advertisement and the second is remedial adv-TV. Branding adv-Tv , this is iklan's goal is only to launch the procuct to consumen. Remedial adv-TV, this goal is to rememmbering consumen about one product. It will make the brand more strong. The other adv-Tv are derived and a development from the two basic adv-TV.

Remembering about branding adv-TV. I am always remembering TVC-GULAKU. That is an excellent adv-TV, so sweet adv-TV. It is not only a sale product only but this adv-TV try to explore slice by slice how sweet live is.

Live is so sweet. As like as sugar. The sweet of sugar always in our live. They make scenes in some variation angle. Yuups…GULAKU is a good brand merk. This adv-TV wants to make his top position himself. He make people mind, if you want sugar .lets find “GULAKU”. The most powerful of this adv-TV is the jingle. “Sugar-sugar is a light jingle, simple, and easy listening. Watch over! This adv-TV has hypnotized us to follow and sing the jingle. I love this adv-TV….GULAKU. ( By Ajie and Joe )